Links Primary School

School Lunches

Children may either bring a packed lunch or order a cooked meal for lunch.

School Lunches

Our meals are freshly cooked in the school kitchen and provide a healthy, balanced diet.

In line with national policy, all children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are eligible for free school meals; free school meals are also available to families in receipt of support payments or whose income is below a certain threshold. 

For children in Key Stage 2, from September 2023 the Mayor of London, to support families in the current of cost of living crisis is offering all Key Stage 2 pupils in school years 3 to 6, a daily lunchtime meal, free of charge, for the coming academic year. School meals should be booked on ParentPay

Download a copy of the school menu 

Why choose a Caterlink meal? 

Some children have particular dietary needs as a result of allergies. Caterlink will provide menus specifically designed for those children. You will need to send supporting evidence from a medical professional detailing your child’s dietary requirements. Simply complete the Allergy and Intolerance Form and return it to the school office.

Packed lunches

Packed lunches should be brought to school in a named lunch box and they should be healthy and well-balanced. The NHS Healthier Families website has some fantastic ideas for healthy packed lunches for children. They should not include sweets, crisps, fizzy drinks or nuts. Children's packed lunches may include one treat item on a Friday.